In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, the information technology (IT) sector is one of the most competitive industries to thrive
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1.1. Introduction
1.2. Accounting Principles, Concepts and Conventions
1.3. Double Entry System of Bookkeeping.
1.4. Types of Accounts – Real Accounts, Personal Accounts, Nominal Accounts
1.5. Rules of Accounting
1.6. Mode of Accounting
1.7. Financial Statements – Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account & Balance Sheet
1.8. Transactions – Recording Transactions
2.1. Introduction – Salient Features of Tally.ERP 9, Technological Advantages.
2.2. Getting Functional with Tally.ERP 9 – Tally.ERP 9 Start up, Mouse / Keyboard Conventions,
Switching between Screen Areas, Quitting Tally .ERP 9
2.3. Setting up of Company in Tally.ERP 9 – Create a Company, Select a Company, Alter a Company,
Shut a Company
2.4. F11: Company Features – F1:Accounting Features, F2: Inventory Features, F3: Statutory &
Taxation, F4:Tally.NET Features, F6: Add-On Features
2.5. F12: Configurations – General Configuration, Numeric Symbols, Accts/Inventory Info.
Configuration, Voucher Entry Configuration, Invoice /Orders Entry Configuration, Payroll
Configuration, Banking Configuration, Printing Configuration, EMailing Configuration, Data
Configuration, TDL Configuration, Advanced Configuration, Licensing Configuration
2.6. Practice Exercises
3.1 Chart of Accounts – Pre-defined Groups of Accounts.
3.2 Groups – Creating Single Group, Creating Multiple Groups, Displaying Group, Altering Group.
3.3 Ledgers – Creating Single Ledger, Creating Multiple Ledgers, Displaying Ledger, Altering Ledger.
3.4 Walkthrough for creating Chart of Accounts
3.5 Practice Exercises
4.1 Stock Groups – Creating Single Stock Group, Creating Multiple Stock Groups, Displaying Stock
Groups, Altering Stock Groups
4.2 Stock Categories – Creating Single stock Category, Creating Multiple Stock Categories, Displaying
Stock Category, Altering Stock Category
4.3 Units of Measure – Simple Units, Compound Units, Creating Simple Units, Creating Compound
Units, Displaying Units of Measure, Deleting Units of Measure
4.4 Godowns – Creating Single Godown, Creating Multiple Godowns, Displaying Godowns, Altering
4.5 Stock Items – Creating Single Stock Item, Creating Multiple Stock Items, Displaying Stock items,
Altering Stock items
4.6 Voucher Types – Predefined Vouchers in Tally.ERP 9, Creating Voucher Type, Displaying Voucher
Type, Altering Voucher Types
4.7 Walkthrough for creating Inventory Masters
4.8 Practice Exercises
5.1 Accounting Vouchers – Contra Voucher(F4), Payment Voucher(F5), Receipt Voucher (F6), Journal
Voucher(F7), Purchase Voucher (F9), Sales Voucher (F8), Credit Note Voucher(Ctrl+F8), Debit Note
Voucher (Ctrl+F9), Reversing Journal Voucher (F10), Memo Voucher (Ctrl+F10), Optional Vouchers,
Post –Dated Vouchers
5.2 Walkthrough for recording Accounting Vouchers
5.3 Inventory Vouchers – Purchase Order, Sales Order, Rejections Out, Rejection In, Stock Journal,
Delivery Note, Receipt Note, Physical Stock Voucher
5.4 Walkthrough for recording Inventory Vouchers
5.5 Invoicing
5.6 Practice Exercises
6.1 Financial Statements – Balance sheet, Profit & Loss A/c, Trial Balance
6.2 Accounting Books & Reports – Cash Book, Bank Book, Purchase Register, Sales Register, Journal
Register, Debit Note Register, Credit Note Register, Day Book, Statistics Learning Tally.ERP 9 – From
Accounting to ERP Syllabus Page 3
6.3 Inventory Books & Reports – Stock Summary, Stock Item Summary, Stock Group Summary, Stock
Transfer Register, Movement analysis, Physical Stock Register
6.4 Exception Reports – Negative Stock , Negative Ledgers
6.5 Practice Exercises
7.1 Configuring Tally.ERP 9 for Multilingual Capabilities – Creating a company, Defining User Interface
Language, Enabling Multilingual Support
7.2 Creating Masters – Using Phonetic Keyboard Layouts, Creating Stock Item, Creating ledgers
7.3 Entering Transactions – Creating Purchase Invoice, Creating Sales Invoice, Printing Sales Invoice
7.4 Transliterations
7.5 Generating Reports – Display Stock Summary, Display Profit & Loss Account, Printing
Confirmation Letter in Multiple Languages
8.1 Tally Vault – Using Tally Vault Feature
8.2 Security Controls – Activate Security Control, Create Security levels,
Users and Passwords, Altering and Displaying a User/Type of Security, Loading Company with a
8.3 Tally. Audit – Using Tally Audit Feature
8.4 Backup and Restore – Backup , Auto Backup, Restore
8.5 Split Company Data
8.6 Export and Import of Data – Export of Data, Exporting of Data for Re- Import into another company,
Import of Data, Export to Excel
8.7 ODBC Connectivity
8.8 Web Enabled, Print Preview and Online Help – Web Enabled, Internet Publishing, Upload, Mass
Mailing, Print Preview, Local / Online Help.
8.9 Printing Reports – Display & Print, Multi – Account Printing, Type of Print Configuration, Print
9.1 Bill –wise Details – Activating Bill-wise Details, New Reference, View Outstanding Statement,
Against Reference, View Outstanding statement, View Ledger Outstanding Report, View Age-wise
Outstanding Statement, Payment Performance of Debtors, Advance, On Account, Bill-wise Details for
Non-trading Accounts, Practice Exercises
9.2 Cost Centers and Cost Categories – Activating Cost Category and Cost
Centre, Creating Cost Categories, Creating Cost Centres, Applying Cost Centers to Ledger accounts,
View Cost Centre Reports
9.3 Voucher Classes – Creating a Voucher Class, Invoice Entry using Voucher Class, Payment Entry
using Voucher Class, Stock Journal using Voucher Class
9.4 Cost Centre Class – Practice Exercises
9.5 Multiple Currencies – Creating Foreign Currencies, Altering Currencies, Deleting Currencies,
Voucher Entry using Foreign Currency, Displaying Forex Gain/Loss, Adjusting Forex Gain/Loss,
Practice Exercises
9.6 Interest Calculations – Interest Calculation in Simple Mode, Calculating Interest in Advanced Mode,
Practice Exercises
9.7 Budget & Controls – Activating Budgets, Creating a Budget, Displaying Budgets and Variances,
Altering a Budget, Deleting a Budget, Practice Exercises
9.8 Scenario Management – Reversing Journals, Memorandum Vouchers, Optional Vouchers, Activating
Scenarios, Creating a Scenario, Altering a Scenario, Deleting a Scenario
9.9 Banking – Multiple Instrument Support & Tracking, Cheque Printing, Single/Multi Cheque Printing,
Bank Reconciliation Statement, Deposit Slip, Payment Advice
9.10 Stock Summary as on March 2012, Trial Balance for March 2012, Practice Exercises
10.1 Order Processing – Purchase Order Processing, Altering a Purchase Order, Sales Order processing,
Altering a Sales Order, Display Order Position, Display Columnar Orders & Stock Details, Adjusting
10.2 Reorder Levels – Defining Recorder Levels, Display Recorder Status, Practice Exercises
10.3 Tracking Numbers – Using Tracking Numbers, Display Purchase Bills Pending
10.4 Batch –wise Details – Activating Batch-wise Details, Using Batch-wise Details in Purchase Invoice,
Using Batch-wise Details in Sales Invoice Learning Tally.ERP 9 – From Accounting to ERP
10.5 Additional Cost Details – Activating Additional Cost Details, Creating Purchase Voucher with
Additional Cost Details, Creating Purchase Invoice with Additional Cost Details, Appropriate
Additional Costs, Additional Costs incurred after Purchase, Practice Exercises
10.6 Bill of Materials (BOM) – Creating Bill of Materials, Creating a Manufacturing Journal, Using Bill
of Materials, Practice Exercises
10.7 Price Levels and Price Lists – Activating Price Lists and Defining Price Levels, Using Price Lists
10.8 Stock Valuation – Stock Valuation Methods, Display Stock Summary
10.9 Zero Valued Entries – Creating Zero Valued Entries
10.10 Inventory Ageing Analysis -View Inventory Ageing Report
10.11 Different Actual and Billed Quantities – Using Different Actual and Billed Quantities
11.1 Configuring Job Costing in Tally.ERP 9 – Company Setup, Enabling Job Costing in Tally.ERP 9
11.2 Creating Masters for Job Costing – Creating Jobs as Job Cost Centres, Creating Ledgers, Creating
Godowns dedicated to jobs, Creating Units of Measure, Creating Stock Items, Creating Voucher Type
with Voucher Class
11.3 Recording Transactions – Creating Receipt Note, Creating Purchase Invoice, Creating Transfer
Journal, Creating Consumption Journal, Creating Payment Voucher, Creating Sales Invoice, Creating
Stock Journal of Return of Materials
11.4 Job Costing Reports – Job Work Analysis Report, Material Consumption Summary, Godown
Summary, Comparative Job Work Analysis
12.1 Features of Job Order Processing in Tally.ERP 9
12.2 Configuring Job Order Processing Tally.ERP 9 – Company Setup, Enabling Job Order Processing,
Voucher Type Setup
12.3 Job Order Processing – Job Work Out Order, Job Work In Order
12.4 Job Order Reports – Job Work Out Reports, Job Work In Reports
13.1 Overview of Tally.NET, Configure Tally.NET Features, Connect Company on Tally.NET, Create
Remote Users, Authorise Remote Users, Remote Access, Login as Remote User
14.1 Concept of Control Centre – Features of Control Centre, Advantages of Control Centre
14.2 Installing & Activating Tally.ERP 9 – Installing Tally.ERP 9, Activating Tally.ERP 9 License,
Launch Tally.ERP 9
14.3 Logging to Control Centre
14.4 Managing Accounts using Control Centre – Licensing & Configuration, User Management, Jobs &
Recruitment, Assessment, Account Profit Management, Change Account Admin
15.1 Features of Support Centre
15.2 Accessing the Support Centre – Local Access, Remote Access.
15.3 Using Support Centre – Adding a New Issue/Query, Replying to an Issue/Query, Close an
Issue/Query, Other Functions.
16.1 Basic Concepts in VAT
16.2 Configuring VAT in Tally.ERP 9 – Company Setup, Enabling Value Added in Tax (VAT), VAT
16.3 Creating Masters – Creating Purchase Ledger, Creating Sales Ledger, Creating Input VAT Ledger,
Creating Party Ledgers, Creating Stock Items
16.4 Entering Transaction – Creating Purchase Voucher without Inventory, Creating Purchase Invoice
with default VAT Class, Creating Purchase Invoice with Selection of VAT Class during Entry, Creating
Purchase Invoice with Multiple VAT Rates, Creating Sales Voucher without Inventory, Creating Sales
Invoice with default VAT Class, Printing Sales Invoice, Creating Sales Invoice with Selection of VAT
Class during Entry, Creating Sales Invoice with Multiple VAT Rates, Creating Sales Invoice using
Voucher Class
16.5 Accounting for Return of Goods – Sales Returns, Purchase Returns
16.6 Rate Difference in Purchase/Sales – Rate difference in Purchase, Rate difference in Sales
16.7 Accounting for Interstate Transactions – Inter –state Purchases, Inter –
state Sales
16.8 Exempt Transaction under VAT – Exempted Purchase, Exempted Sales
16.9 Purchases from Unregistered Dealers Learning Tally.ERP 9 – From Accounting to ERP Syllabus
Page 5
16.10 Claiming ITC on Capital Goods
16.11 Inter –state Branch Transfers – Branch Transfer Outwards, Adjustment of ITC on Branch
Transfers, Branch Transfer Inwards
16.12 VAT Reports – Vat Computation, VAT Returns, eVAT Returns, VAT Commodity, VAT Register
16.13 Practice Exercises
16.14 VAT for Composite Dealers – Enabling VAT for Composite Dealer, Composite VAT
Classifications, Creating Masters, Creating Purchases, Creating Sales, Purchase from Unregistered
Dealers, VAT Composition Reports, Payment of Composite VAT, Practice Exercises.
17.1 Basics of Central Sales Tax (CST)
17.2 Enabling CST In Tally .ERP 9 – Company Setup, Creating Masters
17.3 Recording interstate Transactions in Tally.ERP 9 – Inter-state Purchases, Inter-state Sales Against C
Forms, Transit Sales against E1 and E2 Forms, Branch Transfers/Consignment Sales against F Forms,
Exports against H Form, Sales to SEZ Units against I Form
17.4 Payment of CST
17.5 CST Reports – Forms Receivable Report, Forms Issuable Report, ECST Forms, CST Register
17.6 Practice Exercises
18.1 Basic Concepts of TDS
18.2 Configuring TDS in Tally.ERP 9 – Enabling TDS in Tally.ERP 9, TDS Statutory Masters
18.3 Creating Masters – Expenses Ledger Accounts, TDS Ledger Accounts, Party Ledger Accounts,
Bank Accounts
18.4 Recording Transactions – Booking Expenses and Deducting TDS, Booking Expenses and
Deducting TDS Later, TDS Deduction at Lower Rate, TDS Deduction at Zero Rate, Deducting TDS on
Payments, Payments of TDS
18.5 TDS Reports – Computation, Challan Reconciliation, Return, eTDS Returns, Outstandings,
Exception Reports
19.1 Basics of Service Tax
19.2 Configuring Tally.ERP 9 for Service Tax – Salient Features of Service Tax compliant Tally.ERP 9,
Company Setup, Enabling Service Tax, Service Tax Statutory Masters
19.3 Creating Masters – Creating Sundry Creditors Ledger, Creating Sundry Debtors Ledger, Creating
Duties and Taxes Ledgers, Creating Sales Ledger for Services, Creating Purchase Ledger for Services,
Creating Bank Ledger
19.4 Recording Transactions – Creating Purchase Invoice, Creating Sales invoice
19.5 Accounting for Advance Receipts
19.6 Accounting for Opening Service Tax Credit
19.7 Adjustment of Input Service Tax Credit
19.8 Payment of Service Tax
19.9 Service Tax Reports – Service Tax Computation, Service Tax Payables, Input Credit Summary, ST
3 Report, Exception Reports.
Summary – Tally is like smart software that uses data to help you make decisions. It looks at all sorts of information and figures out patterns. It can even suggest ideas for strategies, marketing, and sales, and it’s great at keeping track of expenses.
Tally is like a special computer program that helps businesses with money stuff, like counting how much they make and spend. It also helps with things like keeping track of their stuff, making plans, and talking to customers.
People can learn how to use Tally in a friendly online class called the Tally ERP9 course.
So, in simple words, Tally is a helpful tool for businesses, and the Tally ERP9 course helps people learn how to use it online with easy lessons and activities.
The Tally ERP 9 course is like an online class that helps you become really good at using Tally ERP 9, which is a special computer program. This course is super helpful because it teaches you the basics of Tally ERP 9 and makes you better at your job every day.
In Tally course in Noida you’ll find out all the top things that Tally can do. You will go through step by step so that even if you’re new to it. Tally is used in lots of different jobs. The major areas include finance, marketing, healthcare, etc. If you enjoy working with numbers and spreadsheets, learning Tally could open up some really good job opportunities because it’s one of the top skills that companies want right now. So, taking this course can make your career even better. Plus, because there’s always a need for Tally skills, learning it can improve your chances of finding a job.
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Here you will get a clear view of the reasons to choose us:
Overall, you get an idea of why to join APPWARS Technologies Pvt. Ltd and it’s time to explore better career. We are one of the top Tally training institutes in Noida and we know how to nurture your technology skills.
Are you wondering how to contact us? You can directly call us and we will be happy to reveal the details of the Tally training program. Our representatives are always ready to help you with necessary details. Thus, you will feel good and it’s time to comprehend the benefits of joining our Tally training in Noida. We ensure that you will become an Tally expert and it brings new career opportunities. We are always here to help you and it’s time to get in touch with us. We make it easy to explore a secured career in Noida and you will learn the importance of joining Tally training. We are recognized as one of the leading institutes organizing Tally training in Noida. It’s time to make notable advancements in your career and we will bring the benefits in real-time. We are recognized as the leading Tally training institute in Noida and our mentors know how to nurture your skills.
Our Tally training program helps you learn how to deal with cloud components such as storage, database, network and security. No worries! Our representative will give you a clear idea of the curriculum. The online sessions bring ultimate flexibility and you can choose the slots that easily fit your schedule.
Once you join our certificate Tally training program you will comprehend how they bring better career solutions. Finally, you will become an Tally expert and our Tally training program plays the most important role. We come up with an industry-oriented curriculum and we ensure that you will explore the best jobs.
Tally is a secret weapon for marketers. It helps them figure out which marketing stuff works best to make their company grow. Plus, it’s super handy for small businesses looking to reach more customers and spread the word about their brand.
Tally ERP9 is like a super helpful computer program for small and medium-sized businesses. It makes running a business easier. So, if you own a small or medium business, Tally ERP9 is like your trusty sidekick for smoother and more successful operations.
Tally Audit Feature
In the world of accounting, authorized people double-check to make sure everything is correct. They have special rights to look at their accounts and fix things if needed. It’s really important that if someone makes changes, their name is shown on the screen.
This way, everyone knows who did what, and it keeps things private and trustworthy in the accounting world. So, audits are like a way to keep everything fair and accurate in the business world.
Assurance of Information
When you put data into Tally.ERP9, it stays safe and can’t be messed with. They have special checks to make sure the data doesn’t change by itself. They use fancy coding to keep everything in order.
At first, Tally.ERP9 might seem a bit tricky, but when you begin your Tally training, you’ll see it’s actually quite simple. They have codes that make your work easier and more helpful. So, don’t worry, it gets easier once you start learning. With Tally training in Noida you can learn about all this and so much more.
Ease of Data Movement
Moving data around in Tally.ERP9 is really easy. You don’t have to carry physical files from one place to another because Tally keeps everything updated and accessible wherever you need it. You can also take your data from Tally and use it in other places without any trouble.
Tally brings lots of good things for businesses. It keeps your data safe, it can grow with your business (that’s scalability), and it lets you move your data around without problems. So, it’s a great helper for businesses.
Avoiding Human Error
This software is pretty clever. It lets you create shortcuts to avoid mistakes when you’re entering data on a busy day. Plus, it’s like having a smart helper because it can suggest better ways to do things and improve your business.
You can find lots of Tally courses online to learn all the cool tricks and tips for doing things smoothly. So, it’s like a smart assistant for your business tasks.
Tally Makes all Business Easy
Tally.ERP9 is like a financial buddy for small, medium, and even big organizations. It’s especially handy for small businesses because it helps keep track of daily money stuff and guides you to make a profit. But it’s not just for small ones; even big companies need it to monitor their money flow.
Tally is like a super organized to-do list for all the tasks in your organization. It shows who’s responsible for what and how long each task will take. With Tally training institute in Noida you can gain relevant expertise of this field.
No matter the size, Tally makes businesses work better. It brings tasks like invoicing and project management together and gives you insights into how well your teams and employees are doing.
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In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, the information technology (IT) sector is one of the most competitive industries to thrive
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In today’s fast-paced and technologically driven world, the information technology (IT) industry stands as one of the most dynamic and
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries, revolutionizing businesses, and reshaping the way we live. From healthcare to finance and entertainment
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