1. An Introduction to Python
○ What can Python do?
○ Why Python?
○ Good to know
○ Python Syntax compared to other programming languages
○ Python Install
2. Beginning Python Basics
○ The print statement
○ Comments
○ Python Data Structures & Data Types
○ String Operations in Python
○ Simple Input & Output
○ Simple Output Formatting
○ Operators in python
3. Python Program Flow
○ Indentation
○ The If statement and its’ related statement
○ An example with if and it’s related statement
○ The while loop
○ The for loop
○ The range statement
○ Break & Continue
○ Assert
○ Examples for looping
4. Functions & Modules
○ Create your own functions
○ Functions Parameters
○ Variable Arguments
○ Scope of a Function
○ Function Documentations
○ Lambda Functions & map
○ Create a Module
○ Standard Modules
5. Exceptions Handling
○ Errors
○ Exception handling with try
○ handling Multiple Exceptions
○ Writing your own Exception
6. File Handling
○ File handling Modes
○ Reading Files
○ Writing & Appending to Files
○ Handling File Exceptions
○ The with statement
7. Classes In Python
○ New Style Classes
○ Creating Classes
○ Instance Methods
○ Inheritance
○ Polymorphism
○ Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions
8. Generators and iterators
○ Iterators
○ Generators
○ The Functions any and all With Statement
○ Data Compression
9. Data Structures
○ List Comprehensions
○ Nested List Comprehensions
○ Dictionary Comprehensions
○ Functions
○ Default Parameters
○ Variable Arguments
○ Specialized Sorts
10. Collections
○ namedtuple()
○ deque
○ ChainMap
○ Counter
○ OrderedDict
○ defaultdict
○ UserDict
○ UserList
○ UserString

1. Writing GUIs in Python (Tkinter)
○ Introduction
○ Components and Events
○ An Example GUI
○ The root Component
○ Adding a Button
○ Entry Widget
○ Text Widgets
○ Check buttons
2. Python SQL Database Access
○ Introduction
○ Installation
○ DB Connection
○ Creating DB Table
○ COMMIT & ROLLBACK operation
○ handling Errors
3. Network Programming
○ Introduction
○ A Daytime Server
○ Clients and Servers
○ The Client Program
○ The Server Program
4. Date and Time
○ sleep
○ Program execution time
○ more methods on date/time
5. Few more topics in-detailed
○ Filter
○ Map
○ Reduce
○ Decorators
○ Frozen set
○ Collections
6. Regular expression
○ Split
○ Working with special characters, date, emails
○ Quantifiers
○ Match and find all
○ character sequence and substitute
○ Search method
7. Threads ESSENTIAL
○ Class and threads
○ Multi-threading
○ Synchronization
○ Treads Life cycle
○ use cases
8. Accessing API ESSENTIAL
○ Introduction
○ Facebook Messenger
○ Openweather

2. HTML Introduction
3. HTML Basic tags
4. HTML- Formatting
5. HTML Attributes
6. Meta tags
7. HTML Comments
8. HTML Images
9. HTML- Tables
10. HTML- Lists
11. HTML Text-Links
12. HTML Blocks
13. HTML Forms
14. HTML Embed- Multimedia
15. HTML Marquees
16. HTML Frames

1. CSS Overview
2. CSS Syntax
3. CSS Selectors
4. CSS Types
5. CSS Colors
6. CSS Backgrounds
7. CSS Fonts
8. CSS Table
9. CSS List
10. CSS BOX Model
11. CSS Padding
12. CSS Dimensions
13. CSS Pseudo Classes

1. JS Overview
2. JS Syntax
3. JS Variables
4. JS Operators
5. JS Control Statements
6. JS Functions
7. JS Events
8. JS Dialog Boxes
9. JS Objects
10. JS Error & Exceptions
11. JS Form Validation

● Why Typescript
● Basic Types
● Class and Interfaces
● Modules

1. Basics of Javascript and ECMAScript
2. Introduction to React
3. Role of NodeJs and NPM in React
4. Introduction and Implementation of Technologies in Front End Development
5. Installation and Benefits of VS Code
6. Installation of React plugins in IDE
7. Installation of Node, and NPM
8. Installation of React
9. Data-flow in React
10. How to create NPM package for React
11 .React Component : use and benefits
12. How to render view in React
13. Different Methods to Render view and Components
14. Es6 with React
15. JSX
a. What is JSX
b. b.Why JSX
c. Rules of JSX implementation
d. Components with and without JSX
16. React Props and State
17. React Prop in practice
18. React State in practice
19.React Developer Tool
20. Event Handling
21. More about React State: Counter App
22. Handling Lists
23. Handling User Input
24. Styling Your Component

● Overview
● Environment
● Creating a Project
● Apps Life Cycle
● Admin Interface
● Creating Views
● URL Mapping
● Template System
● Models
● Page Redirection
● Sending E-mails
● Generic Views
● Form Processing
● File Uploading
● Apache Setup
● Cookies Handling
● Sessions
● Caching
● Comments

1. ER Diagram
2. Constraints
3. Datatypes
4. DQL
○ Selection and Projection
○ Different types of sql clause
○ Sql Function
○ Single Row Function
○ Multi Row Function
○ Subquery
○ Co – related Subquery
○ Group Functions
○ Joins
■ Equi
■ Self
■ Non-equi
■ Outer
5. DDL
○ Create
○ Alter
○ Rename
○ Drop
○ Truncate
6. DML
○ Insert
○ Update
○ Delete
7. DTL
○ Commit
○ Rollback
○ Savepoint
8. DCL
○ Grant
○ Revoke
9. Basics PL/SQL

1) Content management system for blog
2) Multi-client website offering client services
3) e-commerce website for automotive parts
4) Food delivery application
5) Grocery delivery application


    Key Highlights

    40 Hrs Instructor Led Training

    40 Hrs Instructor Led Training

    22 Hrs Self-paced Videos

    22 Hrs Self-paced Videos

    56 Hrs Project & Exercises

    56 Hrs Project & Exercises



    Job Assistance

    Job Assistance

    Flexible Schedule

    Flexible Schedule

    Future Upgrade

    Future Upgrade

    Mentor Support

    Mentor Support


    How to build an excellent career in Full-stack Python Development

    A Full Stack Python Developer is like a computer wizard who uses the Python language to make computer programs. They handle everything from planning and writing code to testing and launching software.

    You’ll connect with the clients for understanding their needs. You may create the solutions accordingly to meet their needs.

    Step by Step Guide to Become a Professional Full-stack Python Developer

    • Get started with the basics

    You must have knowledge of the basis to become a Python full stack developer. Python is a versatile language. It used in both front-end and back-end web development. Learn to write and execute Python code. This involves understanding the fundamentals of programming.

    • Learn about the different Python Libraries  

    To be a good Python full stack developer, it’s important to know some special tools. These tools are like secret ingredients that make your work easier. These tools help you make powerful and fancy applications with Python. So, by learning these tools, you can become a pro at creating amazing stuff with Python. You can learn about it through the Python Full Stack development Training in Noida.

    • Gain proficiency in Javascript, HTML, and CSS

    To be a successful full stack Python developer, you need to understand more than just Python. You must also have a solid grasp of HTML and CSS. While Python handles the logic of a website, HTML and CSS control how it looks and feels. So, you need to be good at all three to make awesome and user-friendly websites.

    But wait, there’s more! You should also know JavaScript, AJAX, and jQuery. These are like the magic ingredients that let you create interactive and responsive web apps that people love to use. By becoming skilled in all these areas of web development, you can become a true expert in the field. So, it’s like mastering multiple tools to build incredible websites.

    • Learn about Database Systems  

    As a Python full stack developer, it’s important to dive into the world of databases. This means learning how to create, manage, and search for information in databases. You should also get comfy with data structures and algorithms.

    Why? Because when you know about databases, you can save and find data really well. It’s like being a librarian who knows exactly where to find each book in the library. So, by mastering databases, you become a pro at handling information efficiently.

    • Get Experience with Popular Frameworks 

    In the world of Python, there are lots of helpful frameworks like AIOHTTP, CherryPy, Dash, Django, Falcon, and more. These are like toolkits that make it easier to create web apps. When you become familiar with these frameworks, you can build strong and expandable web applications.

    • You should be Familiar with major Code Editors and IDEs

    To make Python programs, you can use cool tools like PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Atom. These tools help you work faster. Plus, they show you the best ways to do Python coding. So, by using these tools, you become a better Python developer and get things done quicker.

    You may enroll for Python Full Stack development Training Institute in Noida to enhance your overall skills.   

    How to boost your career as a Python Full Stack Developer?

    • Take a Long-term View  

    You need to invest time and effort to learn web development well. Challenges will pop up, but don’t give up. Be patient, seek solutions, and ask for help from your team when needed.

    • Be Willing to Learn New Things  

    In web development, things keep changing. As a Python full stack developer, be open to learning new stuff. Learn about the latest technologies and trends. This way, you can use them in your projects and stay updated.

    • Keep your Code Clean & Well-organized

    Python full stack developers have a big job – creating and handling web apps. To make things smooth, it’s vital to keep your code neat and organized. This helps your team members understand and work with your code without any trouble. It’s like keeping your room tidy so you can find things easily.

    • Create your Own Projects for practicing new Skills  

    A great way to become a full stack Python developer is to make your own projects. This helps you practice and show your skills to future bosses. Plus, you’ll learn many things about Python development by doing your projects. It’s like learning by doing, and it’s super helpful.

    • Sign up for Python Programming  Certification

    To boost your Python developer career, picking the right full-stack developer courses is key. Consider going for a Python full stack development course in Noida. It sets you apart from the crowd and shows your skills to employers. Plus, you’ll learn advanced stuff in Python development. It’s like leveling up your skills and opening doors to better opportunities.


    Experienced Mentors

    Experienced Mentors

    APPWARS Technologies Pvt Ltd has highly-skilled & experienced mentors from Industry, proficient in their particular technologies.



    Stay sharp & focused with unlimited access to Coding Problems & Assignments during your training.



    Appwars Technologies Pvt Ltd is an MSME, Govt of India approved Company, and registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

    Live Interactive Session

    Live Interactive Session

    Get Live sessions from the comfort of your place with well-maintained quality & pace to make you understand better.

    Live Project

    Live Project

    Experience working on Real-time Projects to have in-depth, practical knowledge of your technology.

    100% Placement assistance

    100% Placement assistance

    With more than 1000+ Placement Partners. Get endless opportunities to get placed in these Small & Medium Companies

    Why choose APPWARS Technologies Pvt. Ltd?

    Here you will get a clear view of the reasons to choose us:

    • We arrange the training following IT standards that enables start working as an Python specialist. We turn out with good employment opportunities and it gives you the confidence to go ahead.
    • We conduct doubts clearing sessions that help you directly communicate with the prefects. Thus, it becomes easy to complete the training program successfully.
    • Here, you will meet the trained and experienced mentors who have ample experience on Python. Thus, you will feel good and we will help you gain confidence.
    • We offer the course at an affordable price and there are additional charges. We are always here to reveal the details and you will comprehend the benefits of joining our Python Full Stack training in Noida.

    Overall, you get an idea of why to join APPWARS Technologies Pvt. Ltd and it’s time to explore better career. We are one of the top Python Full Stack training institutes in Noida and we know how to nurture your technology skills.

    Get In Touch With Us

    Are you wondering how to contact us? You can directly call us and we will be happy to reveal the details of the Python Full Stack training program. Our representatives are always ready to help you with necessary details. Thus, you will feel good and it’s time to comprehend the benefits of joining our Python Full Stack Training in Noida. We ensure that you will become an Python expert and it brings new career opportunities. We are always here to help you and it’s time to get in touch with us. We make it easy to explore a secured career in Noida and you will learn the importance of joining Python training. WE are recognized as one of the leading institutes organizing Python Full Stack training in Noida. It’s time to make notable advancements in your career and we will bring the benefits in real-time.

    Improve your Personality

    Here, we conduct personality development programs and we help you learn how to crack a job interview. Our sessions are designed to help you to face an employer and the spoken English sessions help you learn how to use the language properly. It’s time to join our Python training program and we help you join better jobs. Our job placement support helps you find better opportunities and you will learn how to implement the skills in real-time.

    Time to Gain Skills

    Once you join the top Python Full Stack training institute in Noida you will start gaining skills and we will make you feel confident. Our mentors know how to nurture your skills and we even help you participate in live projects. It helps you learn how to deal with real projects and it brings the confidence to apply for the jobs. Thus, you will learn how we help you bring positive aspects. We show you the path to success and it becomes easy to explore life in a new way. It’s time to join the Python certification course and we bring ultimate success.

    Top Reasons To Choose APPWARS Technologies

    • Python Full Stack Training in Noida is conception as per the IT management standards.
    • APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES offers the best A Python Full Stack Training and devoted employment service in Noida with proper planned training courses.
    • Regular and weekend classes and assignments after each class are provided for Python Full Stack  Training in Noida.
    • Advanced lab designed with latest equipment.
    • Provide lab facilities to 24*7 and students are allowed to access the lab anytime.
    • One the best certified expert trainers or professionals having many years of real industry experience.
    • Mentors of Python Full Stack Training in Noida helps in each type of project preparation, interview preparation and job placement support.
    • Giving personality development sessions including English spoken, mock interview, group discussion and presentation skills free of costs.
    • Providing free study materials, PDFs, video training, lab guides, exam preparation, sample paper and interview preparation.
    • Provide retake classes without any charges as often as you choose.
    • Helps the student to learn complex technical concepts.

    APPWARS Technologies Trainer for Python Full Stack

    • TRAINER’S are expert and professional in their field of sphere and constantly boost themselves with new tools and technology to impart the best training for the real working environment.
    • Trainees have been carefully selected by our committee and recognized over the years by various organizations for their field work.
    • Trainees have many years of experience of working in big organization or institutes.
    • Certified trainers with at least 7 years of experience in IT Industries.
    • Trainees are connected with many placement cells of various companies to give support and help to the students for their placements.




    For queries, feedback & assistance



    For Call & WhatsApp

    +91- 9911169001


    +91- 8743019452

    Placement Assistance After Python Full Stack

    • APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES is a leader in apprehension placement assistance to the students with the help of an assigned placement cell.
    • The placement cell helps supports and assists the students during the time of placement.
    • APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES also provides best resume domicile service by helping the students to make their resume as per the latest industry trends.
    • APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES organize personality development sessions including group discussion, mock interview, and presentation skills on daily basis to help the students that they present themselves confidently.
    • APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES help the students to achieve their dream job.

    APPWARS Technologies Duration for Python Full Stack

    • Regular Classes: 5 Days a week (Morning, afternoon and Evening)
    • Weekend Classes: (Saturday and Sunday)
    • Fast Track Classes also Available
    • One to One Classes also Available
    • Corporate Training also Available
    • Live Online Classes also Available

    Join the community of learners, creators, professionals, educators, and world-changers.

    Learn, certify,
    make an impact.

    Expand your career opportunities with the Python Institute’s training and certification programs. Program your future.

    Who can apply for the course?

    BE / BTech / MCA passed aspirants to make their careers as Web Developers / Data Scientists

    IT-Professionals who want to get a career as a Programming Expert

    Professionals from non-IT bkg, and want to establish in IT

    Candidates who would like to restart their career after a gap

    Web Designers for the next level of their career.


    Our Placement Process

    apply for the course in APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES

    Eligibility Criteria

    Eligibility Criteria in APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES

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    Resume Preparation

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