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Software Testing Training In Noida

● Overview of Software Application Testing
● Why is testing necessary
● Software testing Principles
● Psychology of software testing
● Causes of Software Defects
● Terms used in Software Testing [Defect, Error, Bug, Failure etc..]
● Overview of SDLC [Software Development Life Cycle]
● Overview of Project Execution Lifecycle
● Overview of Project Lifecycle

● Waterfall Model
● Prototype model
● Spiral Model
● Incremental Model
● Iterative Model
● RAD(Rapid Application Development)
● VModel
● Agile Model

● What Is Quality Management System and Its need
● What Is QualityAssurance
● What Is Quality Control
● Review process and Types of Review Process
● Different Roles and Responsibilities of reviewers
● Walkthrough
● Inspection
● Code Review
● Peer Review
● VerificationVs Validation
● Static Dynamic Testing techniques
● Quality StandardCMM, ISO, 6 Sigma

● White Box
● BlackBox
● Grey Box

● Unit Testing
● Integration Testing
● System testing

● SmokeTesting
● SanityTesting
● Re-Testing
● RegressionTesting
● Ad-hoc and Exploratory testing
● Monkey & Gorilla Testing
● Alpha Testing
● Beta Testing
● Validation Testing
● Web Application Testing
● Accessibility Testing
● RecoveryTesting
● System Compatibility
● Browser CompatibilityTesting
● Cross Browser Testing
● Multiple Browser Testing
● Forward And backward compatibility
● Performance Testing
o Load Testing
o Stress Testing
o Volume Testing
● Usability Testing
● Accessibility Testing
● Security Testing
● Multilingual Testing

● Test Plans Estimates And Strategies
● Differenttest approaches
● Test Progress,monitoring and control
● Configurationmanagement
● Risk And testing
● Identifying test condition and design test cases
● Categories Test design techniques
● Specification based or black box techniques
o Decision Table testing
o State Transition testing
o Orthogonal Array
● Structure Based or white box testing techniques
o Cyclomatic Complexity
o Basis Path testing
o Statement Coverage
o Branch Coverage
o Path Coverage
● Experience Based techniques
● RiskbasedTesting
● Choosing test techniques
● Bug/defect life cycle
● Defect Severity & Priority

● Creation Of Test Plan
● Creation Of Test Scenarios, Test Cases
● Test Case Execution
● Bug Tracking and reporting
● Implementation of testing optimization Techniques (ECP, BVA, Decision Table…)
● Overview of Test Metrics, creation and its importance
● Types of Test Metrics
● Traceability Metrics
● Test Report Preparation
● Test closure Report preparation

● Test bed, Test Hardnesses, Test Suit, Test basis, Test artifacts, Different
Environment(DEV,Test,Production), Requirements Volatility, Staging process, Build
Process, Test Cycle, Re-spin, TestEfficiency,Hotfix,Patch,BaseLine,Change
Request,Defective,Defect Clustering,Defect Slippage,ImpactAnalysis,Defect Root
cause,Escalation process and more….

● Introduction to Agile Methodology Agile Manifesto
● Overview Of Different Agile methods
● When to Use Traditional Methods
● Scrum Process
● Scrum Roles
● Scrum Team
● Time-Box Concept
o Event1: The Sprint
o Event2: Sprint Planning
o Event3: Daily Scrum
o Event4: Sprint Review
o Event5: Sprint Retrospective
● Product Backlog Grooming
● Scrum Artifacts
o Artifact1: Product Backlog
o Artifact2: Sprint Backlog
o Artifact 3: Increment
o Artifact4: Definition of “Done”
o Artifact5: Monitoring Progress toward a Goal
o Artifact6: Monitoring Sprint Progress
● Agile Tracking, Scrum Meeting and Daily Stand-ups
o Product Backlog Grooming

● Introduction About Jira tool
o What Is an Issue?
o What Is a Project?
o What is aWorkflow
● Exploring The JIRAworkspace
● Managing your user profile
● Navigating JIRA
● Creating an Issue
● Viewing Issues
● Editing Issues
● Transitions and Screens
● The Workflow Viewer
● Collaboration
● Search
● Detail View
● Configuring Filters
● Email Filter Results
● Standard & Custom Reports

● What Is a Database Application?
● Overview About database structure
● Introduction About different database types
● Understanding Data storage
● Backend & frontend Testing
● General Database Basics
● Essential Elements needed for database testing
● writing test plan for database testing
● Organizing DB Testing approach
● writing test cases for database testing

● Why should Test professionals know Structured Query Language?
● Writing the statement in SQL Plus
● Overview Of DML, DDL,TCL,DCL
● DML: Insert , update , Delete , merge
● DDL: Create, Drop, Alter, Rename, Modify, Truncate
● TCL: Commit, Rollback, SavePoint

● Single Row Function / Multiple Row Function
● String Function, Number Function, Date and Time Function, General Function

● Introduction To Java Programming Language,
● Uses Of Java language, Java Syntax Rules & Coding Standards,
● Java Environment Setup, Write Execute first Java Program,
● And Write Java Programs using Eclipse IDE

● OverviewofJavaProgramming,JavaModifiers,DataTypes,
● Variables,Operators,FlowControl,Arrays,StringHandling,
● FileHandling, Exception Handling, and Methods.
● JavaOOPS: Inheritance, Polymorphism,Abstraction, and Encapsulation

● JavaProgrammingStructure,WritingComments,
● DeclaringMethods,DeclaringVariables,DeclaringConstants, Print Statements, usage of
● WritingConditionalStatements,WritingLoopStatementsandCallingmethods

● JavaConditionalandLoopStatements,explainsTypesofConditionalstatementsinJava,
● If Statement and switch statements in Java with examples.
● Java Loop structures, for loop, while loop, do while loopand enhanced for loop with

● StringsandArrays in Java, explains String handling in Java,
● CreatingStrings, String Concatenation, and String Comparison.
● Array declaration, types of Arrays, print Array, copy Array,
● Array Methods andAdvantages & Disadvantages ofArrays.

● Input And Output operations and File handling in Java,
● Explain Reading different types of input and displaying output on the console.

● Introduction Of Collections
● Types Of Collections
● Generic-List,Dictionary,StackandQueue
● Non Generic-ArrayList, HashTable,StackandQueueNIUM

● What Is Automation Testing
● Use of automation Testing
● Tools for Automation Testing
● Why Automation is important for your career?
● What Is Selenium?
● Advantage Of Selenium.
● History Of Selenium.
● Component Of Selenium.
● Architecture Of Remote Control.
● Architecture of GRID.
● Differences between APIs Vs GUIs.

● Selenium IDE Introduction
● Record And Playback with Firefox and Chrome
● Debugging In Selenium IDE Script
● Introduction Katalon Studio
● Record And Playback through Katalon Studio

● Download and install java
● Download and start Eclipse
● Download and configure Web Driver java client
● Setup a project
● Create Packages
● Create First Java test case
● Import Web Driver Source file

● Web Driver Interface
● Web Element Interface
● Launching Firefox browser

● How To Open a URL
● Verify Page title
● Strategy To get the Page Source
● Difference between Close & Quit
● Ways to Navigate Back Forward
● How To Refresh Page
● Another Way of Navigating to specific Page

● What Are locators.
● HTMLlanguage tags and attributes.
● ID, Name, Xpath, CSS etc.
● DifferencebetweenAbsolute & Complete Xpath.
● Finding Your First element.

● Element Inspector in Mozilla, Chrome and IE
● Element locator tool for Firefox Locator
● Firebug & Fire Path Add-Ons in Mozilla
● Various HTML locator strategies
● X Path Helper Plugin for Chrome
● Selection Of Effective Xpath
● Handling Dynamic objects/ids on the page

● Identify Table rows and columns
● Extracting Values from a cell
● Dynamically Identify Tables Data
● Select class in Selenium
● Drop Down Handle.
● Select Multiple values from the list
● Select & Deselect operations by Index,Value & Visible Text.

● Implicit And Explicit waits
● Howtouse Expected Conditions with Waits
● Page Load Timeout Set Script Timeout property
● Simple Use of Thread Sleep
● Concept of Fluent Wait in Selenium
● Web Driver Wait And Its Uses
● Different Wait Until Conditions
● Ways to handle Simple, Confirmation & Prompt Alert
● Concept Of Set Interface in Java
● Difference between Window Handle Or Handles
● Switching & Closing Windows, Tabs Pop ups
● Concept Of window ID
● Extracting Window IDs with Selenium Object reference
● Java Script Executor Interface
● Capture Screenshot
● Cookies Handles

● What is Action Class & What can we do with Action Class
● Mouse Hover & Mouse Movement with Action
● Finding Coordinates of a Web Object
● Drag And Drop Action

● What is Test NG
● Benefits and Features of TestNG
● How to download TestNG
● Annotations in TestNG
● How to run Test Suite in TestNG
● Groups in TestNG
● Depend on in TestNG
● Test Case sequence in TestNG
● TestNG Asserts
● TestNG Parameters
● Multi Browser testing TestNG
● Parallel testing in TestNG
● Extent Report API

● Introduction Cucumber
● Using Cucumber
● Gherkins Language
● Creation Of feature files and Step Definition
● Introduction TDD and BDD
● Version Control (GitHub Introduction)

● Log4j Introduction
● Download Log4J
● Add Log4j Jar
● Test Case with Log4j
● Log4j Log Manager
● Log4j Appenders
● Log4j Loggers

● Database connection
● Database Testing in Selenium using My Sql Server

● What is Automation Framework
● Features of Automation Framework
● Benefits of usingAutomation Framework
● Different types of Automation Framework
● What Is Data Driven Framework
● What Is Modular Driven Framework
● What Is Keyword Driven Framework
● Apache POI API
● POISetup and Configuration
● ReadandWriteExcel filewithApache POI
● POM(Page Object Model)
● PageFactory

● Maven Introduction
● Install Maven in Eclipse IDE
● Install Maven on Windows
● Install Maven on Mac
● How to Create a New Maven Project
● How to Create a New Maven Project in Eclipse
● Configuration of POM & set multiple builds

● Installation configuration of complete Jenkins setup.
● Scheduling of Maven build & set multiple builds in Jenkins.
● Overview Of integration between Jenkins & GitHub.
● Overview of integration between Jenkins AWS.
● Selenium Integration with Jenkins

● Introduction To GitHub and Selenium integration.
● Installation Of git binaries
● Github Setup in eclipse IDE
● Building Repository on git
● Test prepare in selenium using Github

• Client-Server Architecture
• Presentation, Business and Database layers
• What is an API?
• What is API Testing?
• Difference between API testing and Unit testing
• Web services->an introduction
• HTTP Structure
• xml and JSON->an overview
• URI and URL
• Tools for API Testing
• Approach of API Testing
• Challenges of API Testing
• What to test for in API testing
• HTTP methods
• Status codes
• Example APIs

• Introduction to POSTMAN tool and installation.
• Creating requests in Postman.
• Creating collections in Postman.
• Understanding variables and environments in Postman.
• Authorization in POSTMAN
• Assertions/Test scripts in POSTMAN.
• Command line integration with Newman.

• POST, PUT and PATCH Request using Rest Assured
• Authentication and Authorization in REST Web Services
• Sample automation framework design using REST ASSURED

• What is REST?
• Rest Architectural Elements

• Configure Eclipse with Rest-Assured
• REST API Test using Rest Assured
• Validate Response Status using Rest Assured
• Validate Response Header using Rest Assured
• Read JSON Response Body using Rest Assured

• Introduction to SOAP WEB SERVICES
• SOAP UI /READY API BASICS and installation.
• Create a Project, Test Suite, Test Case
• Assertions.

● Analyzing Manual Test Script
● Automation Test Script Development strategy
● Development Test Script According To Manual Script

● Testing an e-commerce Website
● Testing Social Media Website
● Testing of Banking Website
● Testing of Travel Website
● Testing of Educational Website

Our Student Placed In These Companies

Key Highlights

40 Hrs Instructor Led Training

40 Hrs Instructor Led Training

22 Hrs Self-paced Videos

22 Hrs Self-paced Videos

56 Hrs Project & Exercises

56 Hrs Project & Exercises



Job Assistance

Job Assistance

Flexible Schedule

Flexible Schedule

Future Upgrade

Future Upgrade

Mentor Support

Mentor Support


Time to Join Top Software Testing Course in Noida

Nowadays, software testing is coming up as a good career option. There are several aspirants all over the world and now you need to join a software testing course to become an expert. We here conduct software testing training in Noida and it helps you to learn the importance of the course. We come up with better solutions and you can now learn how we help you to implement the technology to carry out a thorough testing of the software. It’s time to join the course and you can thus get rid of all the worries knowing that you can join the job that gives you the ultimate satisfaction.

Join Software Testing Training in Noida

We offer the best software testing training in Noida and you can now get rid of all confusions. You can easily get in touch with us and you can now learn how the course helps you to become an expert software tester. This course is a suitable option for those who want to pursue a career as a software tester. We educate all our participants and you can now learn how to implement the technologies ensuring that the software runs flawlessly.

We are the top software testing training institute in Noida and you can trust us knowing that you would become a certified professional after completion of the course. We help you to learn in a better way and you can implement the language in the right way. You can now deal with the technologies with complete peace of mind and we are here to give you support all the time. We help you to build your career in software testing and you can now get rid of all the worries. In this way, you can now comprehend why our software testing training gains utmost popularity.

Time to Achieve Success

We ensure that once you complete the course you can achieve success and it makes us feel good. We are here to make life easier and you can enjoy your profession. We conduct the best software testing course in Noida and it’s time to explore the better aspects in life. Our experts know how to deal with the participants and you would love to know more about the course. We bring in the positive aspects and you can now regain your self-confidence. It helps you to explore your career in a new way and it’s time to learn the basic facts about the course.

We are always here to reveal you the course details and thus you can now comprehend how the course helps you to explore a better profession. Our e-learning thus helps you to improve the skills and it gives you the confidence to go ahead.


Experienced Mentors

Experienced Mentors

APPWARS Technologies Pvt Ltd has highly-skilled & experienced mentors from Industry, proficient in their particular technologies.



Stay sharp & focused with unlimited access to Coding Problems & Assignments during your training.



Appwars Technologies Pvt Ltd is an MSME, Govt of India approved Company, and registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Live Interactive Session

Live Interactive Session

Get Live sessions from the comfort of your place with well-maintained quality & pace to make you understand better.

Live Project

Live Project

Experience working on Real-time Projects to have in-depth, practical knowledge of your technology.

100% Placement assistance

100% Placement assistance

With more than 1000+ Placement Partners. Get endless opportunities to get placed in these Small & Medium Companies

Top Reasons To Choose APPWARS Technologies

  • Manual and Selenium Automation Testing training in Noida is conception as per the IT management standards.
  • APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES offers the best Manual and Selenium Automation Testing Training and devoted employment service in Noida with proper planned training courses.
  • Regular and weekend classes and assignments after each class are provided for python programming in Noida.
  • Advanced lab designed with latest equipment.
  • Provide lab facilities to 24*7 and students are allowed to access the lab anytime.
  • One the best certified expert trainers or professionals having many years of real industry experience.
  • Mentors of Manual and Selenium Automation Testing Training in Noida helps in each type of project preparation, interview preparation and job placement support.
  • Giving personality development sessions including English spoken, mock interview, group discussion and presentation skills free of costs.
  • Providing free study materials, PDFs, video training, lab guides, exam preparation, sample paper and interview preparation.
  • Provide retake classes without any charges as often as you choose.
  • Helps the student to learn complex technical concepts.

APPWARS Technologies Trainer for Software Testing

  • TRAINER’S are expert and professional in their field of sphere and constantly boost themselves with new tools and technology to impart the best training for the real working environment.
  • Trainees have been carefully selected by our committee and recognized over the years by various organization for their field work.
  • Trainees have many years of experience of working in big organization or institutes.
  • Certified trainers with at least 7 years of experience in IT Industries.
  • Trainees are connected with many placement cells of various companies to give support and help to the students for their placements.




For queries, feedback & assistance



For Call & WhatsApp

+91- 9911169001


+91- 8743019452

Placement Assistance After Software Testing

  • APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES is a leader in apprehension placement assistance to the students with the help of an assigned placement cell.
  • The placement cell helps, supports and assists the students during the time of placement.
  • APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES also provides best resume domicile service by helping the students to make their resume as per the latest industry trends.
  • APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES organize personality development sessions including group discussion, mock interview, presentation skills on daily basis to help the students that they present themselves confidently.
  • APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES help the students to achieve their dream job.

APPWARS Technologies Duration for Software Testing

  • Regular Classes: 5 Days a week (Morning, afternoon and Evening)
  • Weekend Classes: (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Fast Track Classes also Available
  • One to One Classes also Available
  • Corporate Training also Available
  • Live Online Classes also Available

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Join the community of learners, creators, professionals, educators, and world-changers.

Learn, certify,
make an impact.

Expand your career opportunities with the Python Institute’s training and certification programs. Program your future.

Who can apply for the course?

BE / BTech / MCA passed aspirants to make their careers as Web Developers / Data Scientists

IT-Professionals who want to get a career as a Programming Expert

Professionals from non-IT bkg, and want to establish in IT

Candidates who would like to restart their career after a gap

Web Designers for the next level of their career.


Our Placement Process

apply for the course in APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria in APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES

Placements Training


Interview Q & A

Resume Preparation in APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES

Resume Preparation

Resume Preparation in APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES

Aptitude Test


Mock Interviews

Scheduling Interviews in APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES

Scheduling Interviews


Job Placement


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