There is no better time to start learning AWS than right now. If you have AWS certification, you will have many employment opportunities to start your own business.

Of course, it doesn’t limit you to obtaining certification. Certifications, on the other hand, will put you far ahead of your competition and accelerate your goals of gaining an advantage in your career or business. 

If you want to make the most of it, enroll in Aws Training in Noida:

1. Increased Enterprise Cloud Migration to Amazon Web Services

SMBs to enterprise corps in a range of industries are rapidly migrating to the cloud. According to Cisco, global data center IP traffic will reach 20.6 Zettabytes (ZB) by the end of 2021 (1.7 ZB per month). Furthermore, the global public cloud services market gets expected to grow at a rate of 17.5 percent.

Furthermore, corps migrating their applications and services to the cloud face numerous roadblocks and challenges, implying that they require professional, customized services. As a result, there is a growing demand for cloud professionals who can assist these alliances in making the transition from traditional IT infrastructure to the cloud. Expertise in cloud platforms, particularly AWS, is a valuable asset for professionals and organizations.

Cloud Computing Knowledge Is Unavoidable for IT Professionals

The emergence of cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is driving a shift to the cloud. According to Forbes, half of IT professionals believe that artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a significant role in cloud computing adoption.

By 2020, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will be a major driver of increased Cloud Computing adoption.

As a result, gaining expertise in Cloud Computing, particularly in AWS services, the leading Cloud Computing services provider, is becoming a requirement for IT professionals today and shortly.

AWS is the most rapidly growing public cloud service.

AWS was the first to market its public cloud services offering, with a seven-year lead over competitors such as Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. A year after AWS’s initial launch in 2006, there were already 80,000 developers on the platform. The AWS team hasn’t looked back since. AWS increased its market share to 42% in the third quarter of 2017, and it reached 49% in the first quarter of 2018. AWS is expected to increase its market share to 52% by 2020. The anticipated growth of AWS is reason enough to begin learning AWS and preparing for current and future opportunities. It is time to enroll in Aws Training in Noida.

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